Neuropsychological Testing/ Psychological Assessment

  |   April 30, 2024

Though we routinely utilize a variety of assessment instruments in our program, there are some dysfunctions that can elude identification in the normal course of psychotherapy. Cognitive impairments, language processing deficiencies, memory or attention difficulties, and personality disorders can

Though we routinely utilize a variety of assessment instruments in our program, there are some dysfunctions that can elude identification in the normal course of psychotherapy. Cognitive impairments, language processing deficiencies, memory or attention difficulties, and personality disorders can be impediments to recovery but these conditions require specialized testing that only a psychologist can administer and interpret. We work with excellent consulting psychologists who can provide this testing and support the treatment team with the information needed to tailor individualized interventions. This type of testing is ancillary to our standard services and is often not covered by insurance.

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